| Beauty | 2020 Christmas Advent Calendars

Hello Beauties,

So, since Halloween is officially over, its Christmas season in my books. And first up on my Christmas to do list is to choose which beauty advent calendar I’m going to splash out and treat myself to this year! In the past I’ve treated myself to the M & S advent calendar and Nyx Lipsticks calendar, which were both fab! But I fancy a change so I’m sharing my top picks for this year here…

NYX Professional Makeup Diamonds and Ice Please 24 Day Advent Calendar Festive Countdown

Ted Baker Ladies House of Blooms Advent Calendar

Continue reading “| Beauty | 2020 Christmas Advent Calendars”

| Beauty | February Mini Drugstore Haul

Hello Beauties,

Last weekend I walked into town and had a quick browse around Boots for some new beauty bits. Super happy with my mini haul and thought why not share them with you all. So if you are a beauty lover like myself, keep reading…

Continue reading “| Beauty | February Mini Drugstore Haul”

| Lifestyle | Hello 2020

Hello Loves,

Finally we made it to February.! Whyyyy is January suuch a long month!? SO killer. That being said I decided to make February my new January and start all my new year plans and resolutions from this month on, I mean why make January any worse right….

So if you want to see whats on my 2020 resolution list, keep reading…


Continue reading “| Lifestyle | Hello 2020”

| Lifestyle | Valentine/ Galentine Date Night Outfits…

Hello lovelies,

Loooong time no post! I took a couple of months blog detox and finally am feeling motivated enough to get back into the game. That being said, I’m taking the easy option and easing myself back in with a wee date night outfit guide. Perfect timing for Galentine or Valentine Date Nights soooo, very much black and red themed…..

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| Lifestyle | Wands and Wispies GIFTED

Hello Lovelies,

So before I get into this post I just want to mention that the lashes Lia and I are wearing were *GIFTED*, I will have a separate review post up for them soon.

A couple weekends ago I made my regular trip through to Edinburgh to catch up with my main gals. This was actually super exciting because we decided to try out THE CAULDRON (the inner Harry Potter nerd in me was dying). If you haven’t heard of it, its essentially a mixology class with the added magic experience. There are bars in Edinburgh, Dublin, London and New York! If this sounds up your street keep reading…

Continue reading “| Lifestyle | Wands and Wispies GIFTED”

| Beauty | Jo Malone Poppy & Barley

Hello Loves,

This Thursday I was lucky enough to take a trip to the Jo Malone store for the Poppy & Barley Launch night. *PR EVENT* I mean who doesn’t love a glass of fizz and all the unreal Jo Malone scents after a busy Thursday at work…

Continue reading “| Beauty | Jo Malone Poppy & Barley”

| Beauty| Body Shop ~ Bloggers Summer Event

Hello Beauties,

SO at the start of July, the night before I headed off home for a fortnight, I was lucky enough to start my holiday with a trip along to the Body Shops Summer Event! Who can say no to a wee pamper night and hearing about all the latest products with prosecco in hand?!

Continue reading “| Beauty| Body Shop ~ Bloggers Summer Event”

| Lifestyle |Belle Chic May Edit

Hello Loves,

I’ve decided to do a new little blog series. a monthly round up of things I’ve been up to and things I’ve been loving. So having said that, welcome to Mays Edition…

What Have I Been Watching

So this months obsessions consisted of binge watching Jane the Virgin (why am I so late to this party, I am addicted) , watching Ru Paul Drag Races final and starting to watch a new drama series on BBC called Years and Years.

Continue reading “| Lifestyle |Belle Chic May Edit”

| Beauty | Spring Beauty Haul

Hello beauties,

So last weekend was pay weekend and I decided to treat myself to a small beauty haul.

Most of these are first time buys for me, so I’m excited to try and test these out. I picked everything up from Superdrug, Boots and even a couple things from Primark. I’ll update you in a future post on my thoughts. But for now let me share with you my little beauty finds!

Continue reading “| Beauty | Spring Beauty Haul”

| Lifestyle | My Bucket List

Hello loves,

So a couple weekends ago Eurovision was back on our screens. And I am an absolute nerd for it every year! Which lead to my sister and I’s usual chat about if a certain country wins, we NEED to go the next year. Its on the bucket list!

So that got me thinking about everything else on my bucket list, and I’ve decided if I blog it, its an official list that I need to work my way through… Slowly. No time limit…

Continue reading “| Lifestyle | My Bucket List”