| Fitness | Overnight Oats – Choc and Berries

Happy Saturday loves,

So I’m currently on a NEW fitness mission…

Basically I’ve hit mid life crisis at the thought of turning 25 this Summer, so I’ve decided to soften the blow by trying to gift myself with the best bod I’ve had yet. Annd this obv isn’t an easy gift, I need to start now, in fact I probably needed to start last year!

So if you fancy sticking around to follow my “transformation” (we hope), or even to help encourage me/ share tips and tricks I’m all for it!

I’m starting off with a post on my current go to breakfast, its so quick and easy to grab and take to work.

Chocolate and Berries Overnight Oats

Continue reading “| Fitness | Overnight Oats – Choc and Berries”

| Lifestyle | Sunday Night Routine

Hi my loves,

So a cozy wee pamper night post was needed as moving flat and training in a new job is a looootta work let me tell you! So finally I have a pretty chilled weekend. And actually my last quiet weekend for another month. So I though I would let you all in on how I unwind on a Sunday night before my busy week ahead.

Continue reading “| Lifestyle | Sunday Night Routine”